Top 10 common reasons for sibling fights !

Top 10 common reasons for sibling fights !


Sibling rivalry is a very common phenomenon, it is quite obvious that the children living in the same house would fight but the other obvious thing is that those fights never last, the carefree mind of the children bygones the bygones. This is the best thing about children, despite the fact that they fight too much they never hold any grudge against each other. However when the children start to grow up their fights become more severe and due to their constant rattling and nitpicking in each other’s life the entire house gets disturbed. The reason for the exploitation of the decorum of a peaceful home is that children are humans; they have emotions, temper and desires. If anything does not happen the way they want they will get angry. This is the common reason for the fights between children however the 10 common reasons for the fights between brother and sisters are:

10. Temperament:


Sometimes children have a very lousy temper, they may have inherited it from their parents or some other family member but children do have temper. Such children keep on getting into fights with their other siblings every now and then. The sole reason is that they possess hot blood and they easily get angry or irritated hence picking more fights.

9. Different mind sets:


Being born out of same parents does not mean that the children are supposed to be alike, it is quite normal for siblings to have different set of mind, one wants to be a doctor while the other wants to be an actor.  Both have thinking poles apart from each other then it is pretty obvious that while living in the same house they would get into arguments, they both would never agree with each other


8. Unmet expectations:


People have certain expectations from life and their fellow human beings, when their expectations are not met they get upset, frustrated and angry. As a result of the unmet expectation they fight with those closest to them, their siblings. Sometimes the fighting on trivial matters is only a way of taking out the anger. The anger could be the result of disappointment from the world or from the home itself.

7. Inequality:


It is true that parents love their children equally but children find it hard to believe, they are always complaining about stuff like “nobody loves me” or “I am alone”. Parents sometimes become fond of a particular child who is the most responsible one or they are a little too careful about the child who is not capable of taking care of himself therefore parents pay extra heed towards him. In most of the cases parents are more considerate about the youngest child which is quite unbearable for the elder children.

6. Competition


Competition has always existed between the siblings; everyone wants to become the most beloved child of their parents. It has always been trends that if one child excels in something parents expect other children to have the same abilities. Normally the competition is about studies, if one child gets good grade then getting good grades becomes a must for the other children.

5. Age difference:


An age difference of one or two year between the siblings seems fine but more than that seems like the difference of a decade. Liberty and facilities given to 18 years old cannot be given to 14 years old. The younger child would always demand equality and always tries to act equal to the elder sibling, he fails to understand that there is a difference in their ages and there are certain limits to him.

4. Space Issue:


Space issue has always been a problem for sibling, everyone wants their own room but that is not possible. Kids are often supposed to share a room with the brother or sister. Everybody needs privacy and not getting it leads to frustration, also spending too much time together leads to fights and arguments.

3. Jealousy:


Not every has the rosy complexion, the perfect eyesight and the tall height. In many cases the siblings do not share the same physical features. One sister is fair while other has a moderate skin complexion; one has silky hairs while the other does not; one brother might be tall and the other maybe short. Jealousy issues are often the main reason of the fights between siblings.

2. Sharing things:


When two or more people share things they are bound to have issues, no matter how much you get of it, it is never enough. Despite the whole timetable of sharing, one of them is going to play unfair every now and then hence triggering fights.

1. TV / PC:


If stars wars, America’s next super model and documentary on the African tigers are all on air at 8:00 pm then how is it possible for the TV to display 3 channels at the same time. Fights on TV is the most common reason for the fights in the households, it is a never ending fight with your siblings which started when you were 3 and will end when you die. same happens when there is one computer in the house and 3 users.