Top10 Ways how we can Save our Natural Resources

Top10 Ways how we can Save our Natural Resources

God has gifted us such a beautiful nature with several resources like air, water, minerals, soil, and plants which are the biggest assets to mankind. Since last few decades, the consumption of these resources has witnessed a tremendous rise. Some of them which are non renewable in nature are limited in stocks whereas some are abundant in nature. We can never pay the nature back for the uncountable things we have been gifted with, what we can do is at least try and save them.  It is our obligation towards nature to use them judiciously so as to maintain the ecological balance and simultaneously save it for our future generations. Else nature will take its revenge in form of natural calamities or disaster and can take back some of its gifts.

Here are some techniques we must resort to save our precious natural resources.

   10. Adopt Family Planning

one child policy

One cannot decline the fact that more the users, more is the consumption and so more is depletion. Family planning programs should be adopted.  Lesser is the population, lesser would be the demand. Thus resources can be protected from being depleted.

     9. Save Water


The fact that there is a huge mass which doesn’t get water facilities should not be neglected. Those who are able to get should not recklessly use it. Simple measures can be taken like closing the tap after use can also help.

     8. Switch to non plastics


Plastics have been a major source of pollution since decades. The invention of this polymer, on one side has made transportation and distribution of goods easier and on the other side it has increased content of harmful gases in the air. Since the wastes produced by them cannot be recycled, so are dumped in lands or send for incineration. Either of the way leads to air pollution. We can reduce this from our end by saying no to plastics, such as plastic bottles or plastic handbags, etc.

    7. Awareness among masses


Undoubtedly awareness among mass regarding pollution has increased and some have started taking measure to save resource in all possible way from their end. But still there is huge population who is still not aware of the causes. Even if they know, they don’t know the preventive measures. So they need to get educated about the eco-friendly methods through programs, advertisements, or some other way.

    6. Use Efficient Fuel Technology


Using efficient fuels in our vehicles will help in reducing air pollution. CNG is being used in some cities where air pollution has crossed tolerance limits. Other cities must also adopt these techniques before it gets too late.

   5. Disposal and recycling of Wastes


The source of wastes can be broadly categorized as household and industrial wastes. Whereas household contains wastes such as glass bottles, gift papers, cans etc, some of which can be recycled, on the other hand the industrial wastes contains toxic chemicals which when disposed using land-filling methods or incineration leads to the land pollution. In such a situation, recycling where possible can eradicate some of the effects. This will also save the land which gets consumed in dumping waste. Besides, sewage treatment plants can also treat some industrial wastes, i.e. those consisting of conventional pollutants such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

    4. Use Renewable Resources


Since some of resources are in limited amount like coal, natural gas etc, we must make use of renewable resources for power generation and other energy requirements. Also requirement of energy is inevitable, man has to find a substitute for these resources which should be eco-friendly and efficient in nature. One of the great option before is hydro-power and solar power. Energy can be even harnessed through moving winds using windmills in suitable areas. There is nuclear power which is proved to be highly efficient. Power can be generated from these sources and these are the best ways for natural resources conservation like fossil fuels.

     3. Protect Biodiversity


Biodiversity is our natural heritage and particularly important for creating sustainability because of the specialized roles each species plays in maintaining ecological balance. Communities can promote healthy wildlife by supporting integrative approaches for managing, protecting, and enhancing wildlife populations and habitats appropriate to their area.

     2. Go Green


One cannot decline the devastating results which deforestation has brought to mankind. Increasing population causes increase in demand of land, water and other resources, which compelled man to make several chunks of green land barren for construction of houses and setting industries. Besides, it has disturbed the water cycle. Planting trees can at least restore the balance.

    1. Judicious Use


The first and foremost need of the hour is to use the remaining resources judiciously whether it is abundant or limited in amount. Try to use some other way to protect the non-renewable resource especially as much as you can. We must not forget that our future generation has also right to have these resources. We must assure that there is no wastage from our end.