Top ten accidental inventions

Top ten accidental inventions

Sometimes things does not happen by choices but by chance. Similar  was the case with many inventions that took place by chance or by mistakes but those inventions certainly proved to be a bane for the entire mankind .Here is the list of all such accidental inventions.



It’s not like humanity has recently discovered how to blow things up. Gunpowder and nitroglycerin have been around for ages. The issue however, especially in the case of nitroglycerin, was its instability. It wasn’t until Alfred Nobel accidentally discovered a method of containing the substance without hindering its power that people could really start having a blast.By chance, he discovered that nitroglycerin was absorbed to dryness by  a porous siliceous earth and the resulting mixture was much safer to use and easier to handle than nitroglycerin alone.Nobel named the new product as dynamite.



Chemistry graduate student Jamie Link was working on a silicon chip at the University of California, San Diego. When the chip shattered, she discovered  that the tiny bits of the chip were still sending signals, operating as tiny sensors. They coined the term “smart dust” for the small, self-assembling particles. Smart dust has a myriad of potential applications and plays a large role in attacking and destroying tumors.


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The inventor of the Coca-Cola wasn’t a shrewd businessman, a seller of sweets, or a dreamer looking to strike it rich in the beverage business. John Pemberton just wanted to cure headaches. A pharmacist by profession, Pemberton used two main ingredients in his hopeful headache cure: coca leaves and cola nuts. When his lab assistant accidentally mixed the two with carbonated water, the  result was world’s first Coke.


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Charles Goodyear discovered that if you removed the sulphur from rubber then heat it, it would retain its elasticity. This process called vulcanization made rubber waterproof and winter-proof and opened the door for a enormous market for rubber goods.The invention was accidental but necessary as natural rubber was unable to withstand freezing temperatures and extreme heat.


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A dog played an important role in the invention of Velcro.A  Swiss engineer George de Mestral was out for a hunting trip with his pooch and noticed the annoying tendency of burrs to stick to its fur . Later, looking under a microscope, Mestral observed the tiny “hooks” that stuck burrs to fabrics and furs.He experimented for years with a variety of textiles before arriving at the newly invented nylon but it was only after two decades that NASA popularized the tech.


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Bad weather can be the spark of serendipity. In 1896, French scientist Henri Becquerel was working on an experiment involving a uranium-enriched crystal. He believed that sunlight was the reason that the crystal would burn its image on a photographic plate. With dark clouds rolling in, Becquerel packed up his gear and decided to continue his research on another sunny day. 
A few days later, he retrieved the crystal from a darkened drawer, but the image burned on the plate  was, as he described, “fogged.” The crystal emitted rays that fogged a plate, but were dismissed as weaker rays compared to William Roentgen’s X-ray. Becquerel didn’t go on to put a name to the phenomenon. He left that for two fellow scientists: Pierre and Marie Curie.

4) X-RAYS 

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In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen was performing a routine experiment involving cathode rays, when he noticed that a piece of fluorescent cardboard was lighting up from across the room. A thick screen had been placed between his cathode emitter and the radiated cardboard, proving that particles of light were passing through solid objects. Roentgen quickly found that brilliant images could be produced with this incredible radiation ;the first of their kind being a skeletal image of his wife’s hand.


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Penicillin was the first antibiotic, a discovery that happened in 1929 when a young bacteriologist, Sir Alexander Fleming, was tidying up his lab. After having being on vacation, he returned to work to find that a petri dish of Staphylococcus bacteria had been left uncovered; and he noticed that mold on the culture had killed many of the bacteria. He identified the mold as penecillium notatum, and upon further research found that it could kill other bacteria and could be given to small animals without any side effects.


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Percy Spencer, an engineer at Raytheon , was known as an electronics genius. In 1945, Spencer was fiddling with a microwave-emitting magnetron — used in the guts of radar arrays — when he felt a strange sensation in his pants. Spencer paused and found that a chocolate bar in his pocket had started to melt. Figuring that the microwave radiation of the magnetron was to be blamed , Spencer immediately set out to realize the cooking  potential at work. The end result was the microwave oven which is a savior of eager snackers.


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An assistant professor Wilson Greatbatch  thought he had ruined his project. Instead of picking a 10,000-ohm resistor out of a box to use on a heart-recording prototype,he had  took the 1-megaohm variety. The resulting circuit produced a signal that sounded for 1.8 milliseconds and then paused for a second — a dead ringer for the human heart. Greatbatch realized the precise current could regulate a pulse, overriding the imperfect heartbeat of the ill. Before this point, pacemakers were television-sized, cumbersome things that were temporarily attached to patients from the outside. But now the effect could be achieved with a small circuit, perfect to tuck into someone’s chest.