Top 15 Reasons Why Education is Important!

Top 15 Reasons Why Education is Important!

It’s almost impossible to imagine a life without schools and other education institutions. From the time you wake up till the time you fall asleep, education is the reason that you are living the way you are. The reason behind all the equipments and services that you use. Education is behind those ideas when you try to innovate something new. Human life would not have existed at all without education and knowledge being passed on to the future generations. As Aristotle once said, “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as living from the dead.”
In fact, the true meaning of life is completely dependent on education. Knowledge helps us in exploring our potential and helps us pull ourselves out of poverty and deprivation. It has been a tool that has safeguarded our past and is showing us ways towards a better future. So here are TOP 15 really compelling reasons that tell you why is education so important!!

15. Education has helped in bettering the food quality.

food research


Food technology has made great advances and education is the reason behind it. There are less number of malnourished children now and less people die of starvation. The International Food Policy Research Institute mentioned in its annual report that there has been a 40% decrease in malnutrition from 1970 to 1995.

14. Educated people can never be cheated upon.

Educated-People can never be cheated upon


People who are educated are least likely to be cheated by anyone. Cheating here means cheating in monetary issues or getting equal opportunities. Illiterate people fall prey and cunning heads loot the money they possess by signing fraud documents.
Being educated means that he/she can detect fraud easily and save someone from being cheated.

13. Education results in better decisions.

education better decisions


An educated person has a better power of discernment and can make better decisions than an uneducated person. A great example of this is that women in Mali with even a small bit of literacy have 3 children on an average while those with no education have 7.

12. Education helps in gaining emotional maturity.

emotional stability


You are more likely to handle pressure conditions and not succumb to them if you are educated because the entire education system has taught you that throughout. However, on the other hand, we see poor people who are uneducated, committing suicide because they had a small monetary loss.  Education helps you stay strong and rise back when things around are not working in your favour.

11. Education makes living through the 21st century easier.

21st century

We have got smart phones, Wi-Fi access in almost every corner of the earth, and IT has become the driving force for this generation. Education has helped one keep in pace with this ever-changing world of Information Technology.

10. Education helps you in enhancing your confidence.



Get a ‘Prof’ or a ‘Dr.’ prefixed before your name and suddenly everything you say holds meaning and makes sense. So, to be an authentic speaker, you need to have those degrees and credentials. Anyone who is not literate enough wouldn’t have the courage to go up there and make a speech and put forward his ideas empathically. Education gives one the confidence to stand up and lead the world.

9. Helps in the preservation of art and culture.

education art and culture

We are all aware of the importance of natural resources, art and culture. Educated people help in contributing towards preservation and proper utilization of resources. Uneducated people cut tree, harm resources, kill animals because they are unaware of the dangers they are posing to the earth. Even art and culture, on which the foundation of the human civilization is laid, is preserved if one possesses sufficient knowledge to do so.

8. Helps in maintaining social harmony

social harmony


All the dacoits, criminals, burglars, terrorists are uneducated people. They are very easily influenced by others and become trouble makers. Uneducated people quarrel loudly and lack moral values and discipline. Educated people understand the rights of each other and hence behave responsibly.

7. Helps in increasing the level of knowledge and understanding.


Educated people understand things easily. You being an educated person would easily know the difference between a smart phone and a tablet while a person who is illiterate, wont. Educated people help in the development of a nation as they are supportive.

6. Education helps in innovating new things.


Flying in the air was almost a dream for the human race until the Wright brothers came up with idea of the airplane. And now we fly over seas and mountains in super fast jets where it travelling from one place to another happens in no time. Every discovery that the mankind has made has made our lives easier that this wouldn’t have been possible without education. It’s simply a prerequisite for innovation.

5. Education has helped improve Heath Conditions.



Diarrhoea isn’t fatal at all now. But a couple of years ago, it was an epidemic and it could kill millions if it spread in an area. Medical sector has made great progress and it’s now that we have a cure to almost every disease. Vaccines immune us and pills help us recover quickly.  Thanks to education that we have access to improved medical facilities than our ancestors.

4. Education leads to Economic Prosperity

economic prosperity


Countries with 100% literacy are the world’s richest countries like USA, Japan, Finland, etc. People in these countries, because of being educated add to the country’s GDP. Without education, it is not possible for a country to develop or prosper.

3. Education opens opportunities.



One way for asking for rain is to fold hands and beg the rain gods for showers. And the other, smarter way is to dig right under your feet to find water. An educated person would do the latter; because he/she knows that an opportunity would never come knocking at the door. One has to strive for it and fulfil it.

2. Educated people are more enlightened than the others.

Obviously. People who are educated have effective arguments for backing what they believe in and what they don’t.  They help in creating a better and clearer picture about their perspectives and put for ideas that the world can contemplate upon. They are curious and they never stop asking questions until they are given proper reasoned answers.

1. Education means a happier life.

happy life

Look around and you will find that educated families are happier that the uneducated ones. Education brings a good job and hence good earning sources. This results in financially stability and thus a better standard of life. Children of educated parents learn to cooperate and behave in the society and a foundation to a happy life is established.