Top 10 Ways to Deal with Insecurities

Top 10 Ways to Deal with Insecurities

All of us, at some point in our life have dealt with our insecure self. It is something that everyone has faced and only few have dealt with it in a proper way and gotten over it. You may feel insecure about your looks or your job, but it’s really important to understand that these things are only a product of our mind – they’re not physical or tangible, just something that our mind has made up. Here are some ways to deal with insecurities and live a carefree and positive life.

10) Find out what the real problem is 


Before you start judging yourself, it’s very important to know what is it that is troubling you so much and keeping you from doing what you want. Analyze yourself in certain situations and look for signs which add to your insecurity. Before taking any action, one must understand the reason behind the problem. Address the issue and admit to yourself that those certain things are causing difficulties for you.

9) Write down all your fears 


After accepting what the problem is, the next step is to write down everything that you feel insecure about. Making a note about it in your head is only a temporary relief because after a while you’ll forget about it. However, after writing it down you will feel that it’s a serious matter that has to be solved and there’s nothing better than to write and read it to yourself. Think about how many of those fears are actually legitimate and how many just exist because of your unwillingness to do things. It will clear your head and give you some confidence.

8) Remind yourself that you are not alone 



Always remember that you are not the only one going through it. Everyone, at least once, has become a victim of their insecurities. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s okay and that no action should be taken. People have achieved so much by overcoming their insecurities and putting them to rest. It’s important to understand that no matter what happens and how rational or irrational your fears are, you will overcome them with time.

7) Talk to people you’re comfortable with 



Know that people are going to be there for you. Be it your family or your friends or a loved one, there will always be someone whom you can confide in. Share your problems with them and ask them to help you. Don’t think less of yourself just because you’re asking for help. Even the mere act of explaining things (problems) to someone helps you to understand and analyze what you’re going through. It’s important to talk out loud to someone or the other.

6) Think of all the positive qualities that you possess 

think, do, be positive


Never underestimate yourself. Just because you are going through something doesn’t mean that it has become your way of life. There are so many things that you must have achieved – think about all of them and write them down too. When you see the proof of everything that you’ve done that has made you proud, it will instill a positive energy in you. Maybe you helped someone and made their day better – Even such small things will help you realize that you deserve happiness!

5) Find something you love 



There must be something that keeps you busy or makes you really happy. Be it gardening, or spending time with your pet or working in an NGO, there are many things that can keep you busy and happy. You can paint, draw, cook, teach, organize parties, design, decorate, etc. – there are so many thing! It will not only keep you busy but you will also realize your self-worth and worry less about your insecurities. You’ll feel confident about whatever you do and that’s what we want to achieve!

4) Surround yourself with positive people 



It’s very important that you surround yourself with only positive people, who make you happy and fill your life with contentment and joy. It’s not ok to spend time with people who are constantly bringing you down, and playing with your emotions and feelings. If you’re with such people, the only thing that you’ll get is negative energy – you’ll start feeling bad about yourself and might even start questioning your existence! So it’s best to stay clear of these kind of people and enjoy company of those who are love and care for you.

3) Act confident and trust yourself 



There’s a very famous phrase: Fake it till you make it! Everything depends upon how you handle and represent yourself in front of others. If you’re shy, it doesn’t mean that the whole world needs to know that, or if you go to a party and you don’t like it, doesn’t mean that everyone has to know! Similarly, no matter you are confident or not, let the rest of the world believe what you want them to! Fake your confidence to make your way in this world!

2) Do whatever pleases you 



Whatever makes you happy, do that. It’s so simple. Don’t follow dreams that others have set for you. Make your own; be your own person and don’t depends on anyone to make you happy. This is your life and you have deal with the good things as well as the bad things! So don’t give in to other’s expectations of how your life should be led! Be you own hero!

1) Accept yourself for who you are 



This is the most important step if you want to get rid of your insecurities. You have to accept how you are and who you are – be proud of your flaws and accept them. You can spend your whole life trying to be someone better, but at the end of the day you’ll realize that you’re most comfortable in your skin only! Thank god for making you the way you are. Accept yourself and be who you are, because trying to be someone else is not fun at all!