Top 10 reasons why couples divorce

Top 10 reasons why couples divorce

Marriages are made in heaven, or so it is said. But, then marriages that are made in heaven might not last long sometimes. Couples may decide to call it quits. They may decide to divorce each other and separate by choice. Divorce is always a taxing decision for either party. Cutting of ties with friends takes such a huge toll, here we talk about a relationship ending where too people are very much involved with each other in all respects-physical, psychological, emotional and financial. It isn’t like switching off the television once the program you were watching is over. When it is obvious that divorce is a tough decision, there are strong reasons why people choose to opt for this option. Below are the 10 main reasons which justify the option of divorce.


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Money is the root cause of all evils. Whoever said this, spoke sense. In India, dowry though illegal is still rampant. The groom’s family makes unrealistic demands out of the bride’s family, and threaten to call off the wedding if the demands aren’t fulfilled. And yet, if the dowry doesn’t seem enough, they pressurize the girl after marriage to extract something more out of her parents. The second aspect of divorce that involves money is alimoney. The women has the right to be paid a fixed amount monthly or yearly after her husband decides to divorce her. Due to such money aspects, the procedure of divorce can become ugly with either party hurling allegations on the other and leaving back a sense of bitterness while parting. So, yes, money, is one big reason which causes divorce.

9.Ill Treatment


Ill treatment of the wife at the hands of the husband and in laws or the husband at the hands of his wife and in laws may also be a common reason for divorce. Mental, physical, emotional torture on the part of either party may call for one party seeking divorce. There have been many cases where there have been complains of marital rape, domestic violence, psychological torture etc. which lead to marriages ending.


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Appearances are given a lot of importance when you talk about marriages. In India, whole lot of people choose their life partners on the basis of how good looking they are or their fair complexion. It is a very shallow way to choose a life partner though and hence when the appearances for which you chose a particular person don’t exist any more due to various reasons like health problems etc., the marriage ends. Because a marriage that is based on good looks can never last long.

7.Ego issues

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Inflated male or female egos can not just end marriages but can end any relationship. When ego sets in and you start competing with each other to prove which of the two is better, you might just end up harming your relationship in an irreparable manner and never be able to revive it. For the marriage to last you have to stop making comparison and feel genuinely happy for your better half on his/her achievement. You need to walk together to make it last, not run a race.

6.Career coming in the way

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Both the men and women in the present day world, are equally career oriented. They want fame and success and also like to earn for themselves. When career is priority, you let your marriage or relationship fall second on the list and let it take a backseat. If you know how to balance well, you may shuffle between career and marriage and still make it last. But, a lot of marriages disintegrate due to extra emphasis on career by either husband or wife.



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When your mind is open, you tend to think straight and right. But, when you’re very orthodox in the way you think, you really end up being suspicious about your spouse’s interactions with the opposite sex. We live in a world that has reach a very high level of modernity wherein girls and boys can be real good friends of each other. But, if you suspect your spouse of cheating on you with every member of the opposite sex he/she comes across, they might choose to part ways with you. Trust is the basis of all relationships. Moreover, you can’t restrict a your spouse to a limit where you leave them isolated with no other friendship or relationship in their life other than yourself.


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Any kind of misunderstanding that happens due to lack of communication or miscommunication or some third party’s deliberate efforts to pull your marriage apart can lead to  divorces too.


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When you get married by the arranged marriage system, you choose to spend the rest of your life with a stranger who you would maybe get to know only after you’re married to him/her. In this case, there is less scope of getting to know each other before you tie the knot. There is no way that you get to choose your compatibility. You may end up being the most mismatched pair in terms of likes, dislikes, habits. Constant fighting and difference in opinion may lead to tension which may lead to the marriage breaking.


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One main reason people choose to get married is to start a family. Most married couples look forward to having children a few years after they’ve been married. When the dream of having a child doesn’t materialize, some couples choose to opt for adoption while some simply get bitter and don’t see a way out. The bitterness may lead to divorce.


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Infidelity on the part of either husband or wife also leads to divorce for very obvious reasons. It hurts to know that your spouse is cheating on you even after being bound by choice in the institution of marriage. Infidelity seems to be a major reason why married couples choose to part.