“Top 10 Common Reasons for Husband Wife Fights”

“Top 10 Common Reasons for Husband Wife Fights”

Disney movies always ends up with the saying, “ ..and they lived happily ever after!” well, that’s not entirely true. The real battle starts only after the marriage. All the adjustments, sacrifices and compromises are the part of the marriage life. When you see a happy couple, you wonder how lucky they are, but not all happy couple is as happy as you think. They have also seen the worst nights/ the worst days of their married life. Every couple goes through a phase in their life where they end up fighting with each other and the reasons behind them can be the following-

10. Humor:

funny fights

Once upon a time:-  “My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and my wife
kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table.
I asked my wife, ‘Do you know him?’
‘Yes,’ She sighed, ‘He’s my old boyfriend.
I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those many years
ago, and I hear he hasn’t been sober since.’
‘My God!’ I said to my wife, ‘who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?’
And then the fight started…”

The compatibility between a man and his wife becomes zero when one is a sarcastic king and the other is, well, let’s call it as normal! In a case like this, only two things can happen. Either the sarcastic one will continue making comments and the other gets frustrated or he/she will stop his ways for the sake of other and himself/herself gets frustrated. Either way, there is one frustrated soul existing which results as way to a fight between a man and his wife.

9. Different attitudes:

totally different

No one is born as same. Every soul is different in one way or the other. When people with extremely different opinion and different perspective get married, fights are a natural occurrence. If one is an introvert and the other is a master of speech, the introvert will keep his/her feelings inside. Not showing one’s feelings only result in lack of communication and understanding. Both the partners might start to blame each other for the differences which ultimately results in fight.


8. Work load:

busy life

In today’s changing era, with both working partners, there exists a pressure of work upon them. Either the boss shouted at them or the peer pressure/competition along work is making them insane, which they try to sheer off at home. If they both are in the same occupation, that also increases their chance of being jealous of each other. This creates a tension between man and his wife which ultimately ends up with a fight between them.


7. Male chauvinistic husband:

female dominating husband

Men are born lovers, yet they want women to make the first move. This boosts their chauvinistic ego. Typical Indian males are dominating and treat women below them. According to them, women have a permanent place in kitchen and are not allowed to do anything without asking them first. Men has this mentality of dominating, they like to prove themselves right, even though if they are wrong. This type of men is not only pathetic but also the cause of regular fights with his wife.


6. Egoistic wife:

male dominating wife

Well there is no argument that today’s wife are egoistic too. A male dominating wife always fights back when she sees she is losing control. They are very selfish and do not pay heed to any other person’s opinions, wishes or perceptions except those of their own interest. Life can be difficult with such a person at workplace, in your peers or social circle but if you are married to that person or even in love with them, God bless your soul!

5. Family issues:

monster in laws

Sometimes when everything is right and perfect, some family issue arises. It’s common in India, where there are mostly joint and big families! Different family backgrounds or the in laws don’t get along very well or the financial issues – they all add up to the reasons why couples fight.


4. Preoccupied mind/ busy mind:


In today’s era both husband and the wife are working to have a decent standard of living. This often leads to lack of time to devote each other. This could be the main reason why couples fight. Lack of time leads to lack of communication between them. Even when one of them is working, the other feels isolated or ignored by the working partner. They start to feel lack of touch between them. With their own busy schedule they stop caring for the other. The romantic life also becomes dull and both the partners start becoming unsatisfied with each other and that’s where the fights grow.



3. Cleanliness freak:

cleanliness freak woman

Some people are born with a steak of madness in them to keep everything clean all the time. They can’t stand an unclean area. Well it’s good to clean everything, but not when the other partner is a mess. Often couples fight because their partner doesn’t keep his/her things in perfect place or doesn’t clean his/her dishes on time.


2. Wrong person:

he is just not that into you

One of the main reasons could be that you have married an entirely wrong person. As arranged marriages are so common in India, people often end up marrying wrong person of their parent’s choice.  Lack of compatibility, interests, and different ideas all sum up to decide if your partner is right or wrong for you.

1. Lack of love:

lost love

Well you know how the saying goes, love is blind. Whether the person is wrong for you or you are not able to give time to your partner or you have different perspective of lives, it really doesn’t matter when you are completely in love with the other person. Lack of love ruins everything. Any two people can’t live happily if they don’t love each other. Love is the only binding force between the husband and his wife. Lack of love will only invite daily fights and frustration between the couples.