10 Most Annoying habits People have

10 Most Annoying habits People have

Nobody is perfect. Every person has some habit that makes the other person go “Ewww”. There are people who irritate others with annoying habits-some are visually disturbing while others audibly. These habits stay for no reason, they just become a part of your life and you cannot lose them. There are no medical reasons for those disgusting habits, so sadly you cannot even go to the doctors for consultation! Your family become used to those, your friends are tired of telling you, “You need to stop or we will stop hanging out with you.” And strangers just keep wondering, what is wrong with this person?

So, here is the list of 10 most annoying habits that people have-

1. Smelling their nails

Yes people, such a habit does exist. People involuntary move their fingernails near to their nose and smell them. Its sheer curiosity, they want to figure out that weird smell that comes from underneath them. They get hooked on to that smell, it is just addicting. Thank God they cannot reach till their toenails!


 2. Picking their nose (in public)

This habit comes under this category the moment person picks his nose in public. It is like they have this constant feeling of itchiness in their nose and they just can’t help it! What is worse is that they become so habitual of this ridiculous exercise that they don’t wash their hands afterwards. Next time offer such people a handkerchief, maybe they will stop then.


 3. Sleeping for 12 hours straight

Some people just can’t get off their bed. Now, doctors recommend 7-8 hours of sleep, you can extend it to 9-10 hours, but people who sleep for more than 12 hours straight need help. People who work hard all day, even they don’t sleep this much. Sleeping for more than half a day is just l(cr)azy! If it goes for long their muscles might even forget how to move.


4. Fidgeting

Fidgeting means constant movement. Fidgeters can never sit still. They are either playing with their hands, fingers, bouncing their legs or swirling their hair. A part of their body is in constant movement. It is considered a sign of nervousness or anxiety. This also distracts the person facing you as his mind suddenly goes to that part of your body which is moving constantly. However, this habit can be considered good for those people who want to lose weight as fidgeting helps to burn 350 calories in a day.


 5. Nail Biting

The most common habit is nail biting. It is considered an unhealthy habit as germs from your nails can enter inside your body when you bite them. Moreover, nails themselves if ingested are not properly digested by the body. In worst cases they can even get accumulated in a giant ball! Germs are secondary concern, ever wondered what those sharp edges can do?


 6. Scratching

Constant scratching is sure to make people nearby uncomfortable. The first thing that will come in their mind is- “I think this person has some communicable disease and I should stay miles away from him”. Public scratching reaches to its height when men start scratching their groin! It’s the most disgusting habit a person can have. Scratching can mean two things- you didn’t bath this morning or you have an illness. Either cases not a good impression on the people in the vicinity.


 7. Spitting

Spitting- largely practiced, hugely detested. People spit in public as if it is their own house. What they don’t understand is that their spit is not likely to evaporate and will stay on the road for rest of the day! It is not a pretty sight to see when someone spits. People should not spit unless they have a washbasin in front. No wonder there is a fine of 1000 rupees in India over spitting.


 8. Dragging their feet

People know deep down that their feet are making noise but they pretend to be oblivious. The sound is so irritating; almost everyone turns around to look the one person who is too lazy to pick up their feet! This creates a bad impression wherever they go. Dragging feet shows laziness, tiredness, inactivity and lack of manners.



 9. Humming to themselves

Yes, everybody can see you have an I-Pod and you are listening to songs, you don`t have to hum it along. Such people always end up to be the worst company in public transport. They can neither hear the complete song nor enjoy the silence!


 10 Making noise while eating

This tops the worst eating habits list. A dinner table is supposed to be the quietest place where people can have a peaceful meal. Enter someone who makes noise while eating. Sometimes they themselves are unaware of the noise they make, although others are not. A lot of mouth activity is required to chew food but there is no need to make sounds of crunching.


PS- Interesting fact: Good news for people with any or all of these weird habits. There is a scientific term for all these habits now. Scientists have termed a disorder for all these habits once they exceed the normal limit.

Rhinotilleximania- disorder for excessive nose picking

Hypersomnia- excessive sleeping disorder

Obsessive Compulsive disorder- If you keep humming the same tune/melody/song. Excessive Nail biting is also classified under OCD.

Skin picking disorder- Patient continuously scratches, touches or rubs his skin in order to remove small irregularities.

Habits are what define a person. Some habits are weird and others are pure disgusting. If the latter habits are affecting your lifestyle you should try to abstain from them. At first it will be difficult but slowly you will see them disappearing from your course of life. If you can`t stop them you should consult a doctor because you might have a disorder.